sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009

(Albert) King Express

2 comentarios:

  1. I just noticed your blog listed as the newest CDPB member, although I cannot find you on the portal. This is very good work. My wife and I love Buenos Aires and Argentina and are returning for our third visit in February.

    Hope you can get your blog set up to appear on the portal so I can add it to my favorites.

    Bob Crowe

    St. Louis Daily Photo

  2. Hi Bob, I am noticed this too. I sent the activation mail several times but I did not received it any time. I also tried to contact a board administrator but the site (or forum) does not let me any access to them (or I don´t know how to do). I hope I can resolve it soon because is very interesting be in contact with others like you and your cities around the world.

    Thanks a lot about your words. I just follow your blog too.

    Buenos Aires is a very interesting place where unexpected visions may be happen or appear at its streets (I talk about pictures). I hope you and your wife will enjoy it at your new visit.



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