sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009

Chistes malos / Bad jokes

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi... the cards are fake postcards from Europe. The postcards appear to be a truthfully ones at the first view but not. The main text is iddish language but we didn´t translated beaucause we noticed that all the stamps are forged. There are not coincidences between the stamps, places and the dates stamped at the cards also. It is a bad joke from someone who makes business with these things.

    Thanks for your interest and your follow.



Por favor, sea breve y evite lenguaje inadecuado. Por favor, no usar este espacio para SPAM (será rechazado por los moderadores). / Please, be brief and avoid inadequate language. Please don´t use this space for SPAM (it will be rejected by mods).