El asiento de la misericordia, dispuesto sobre el Arca, estaba hecho de oro puro. En ambos extremos de la parte superior se colocaban los querubines cuyas alas extendidas cubrían la tapa del Arca. Tanto el asiento de la misericordia como los querubines se presentaban frontalmente en dirección a los fieles. Según la tradición, el asiento de la misericordia, simboliza el lugar en el que Dios otorga su gracia sobre quienes vienen a él por fe. Lo curioso, en este caso y a propósito del propósito, es haber encontrado -en sendas visitas al mismo lugar- dos almas cuyas "misericordias" aún no habían sido atendidas. Merecían, de mi parte, el mismo retrato de urgencia (ver siesta en este mismo blog).... y aunque el Arca no forme parte del mobiliario de esta sucursal de la fe, sería graciable que, al menos en estas instancias, el "cliente" siempre pudiera tener la razón.
"The Ark, with the Mercy Seat, was carried with wooden staves covered with pure gold. The staves were inserted into rings on the side of the Ark. The Mercy Seat was where God met with man". The peculiar thing, in this case and with special regard to this intention, is to have found - in individual visits to the same place - two "souls" whose “mercies” not yet had been taken care of. Both of them deserved the same "emergency picture" (see siesta in this blog)… and although the Ark does not constitute part of the furniture of this "faith´s branch", would be good that, at least in these instances, the “client” always could be right.
"The Ark, with the Mercy Seat, was carried with wooden staves covered with pure gold. The staves were inserted into rings on the side of the Ark. The Mercy Seat was where God met with man". The peculiar thing, in this case and with special regard to this intention, is to have found - in individual visits to the same place - two "souls" whose “mercies” not yet had been taken care of. Both of them deserved the same "emergency picture" (see siesta in this blog)… and although the Ark does not constitute part of the furniture of this "faith´s branch", would be good that, at least in these instances, the “client” always could be right.
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