sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

Anticuario II / Antique Dealer II

4 comentarios:

  1. Podría pasar 25 horas al dia haciendo fotos en un anticuario. Infinidad de composiciones y de pequeños detalles!
    (quiero mas!)
    Un beso grande Fernando, interesante la mirada del Sr. directo a tu lente, por encima de los suyos ;)

  2. Hello, Fernando. This picture shows one of the reasons we like Buenos Aires so much. There are so many fascinating little shops like this. My wife and I are looking forward to our next visit to BsAs in a few days. After a stop in Santiago, we have Saturday afternoon and night, 13 February in your city. We have an early flight to El Calafate the next morning. Back to BsAs on Wednesday, 13 February, and home late in the evening of Saturday, 20 February. Let me know if you are around. My email will come through to my mobile phone.

  3. Gracias Carina! La verdad que son personajes muy especiales... se mimetizan con lo que venden. Beso y saludos.

  4. Hi Bob! I´ll answer you by mail tomorrow morning. Regards


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